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IFE MEJI - A Nigeria Movie Starring Jumoke Odetola | Kiki Bakare | Yetunde Barnabas

IFE MEJI - A Nigeria Movie Starring Jumoke Odetola | Kiki Bakare | Yetunde Barnabas

< 01:19:26 > |

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In a world where trust is tested and insecurities run deep, a woman's irrational fear of any woman crossing paths with her husband takes center stage. Her complexities of... Read more

Starring: Jumoke Odetola, Kiki Bakare, Yetunde Barnabas...

In a world where trust is tested and insecurities run deep, a woman's irrational fear of any woman crossing paths with her husband takes center stage. Her complexities of jealousy and possessiveness make her navigate a tumultuous journey, exploring the consequences of her unyielding desire when she does the unexpected. #YorubaMovies #LatestYorubaMovies #africanmovies #usa

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