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IYAWO GURUMI - A Nigerian Yoruba Movie Starring Allwell Ademola | Yomi Gold | Victoria Kolawole

IYAWO GURUMI - A Nigerian Yoruba Movie Starring Allwell Ademola | Yomi Gold | Victoria Kolawole

< 01:17:58 > |

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In this Yoruba Movie, They borrow money and they can't pay it back and they get arrested. But a wife decides to stand by her husband for him not... Read more

Starring: Allwell Ademola, Victoria Kolawole, Yemi Solade...

In this Yoruba Movie, They borrow money and they can't pay it back and they get arrested. But a wife decides to stand by her husband for him not to borrow. But it didn't favor her, watch to find out. #YorubaMovies #LatestYorubaMovies #africanmovies #usa

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