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“Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.” Napoleon Hill

“Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.” Napoleon Hill

< 00:03:19 > |

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“Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.” Napoleon Hill The people of Lagos will not back down until victory is ascertained and the people’s choice prevails. Our mandate remains the same, which is; Making the people’s welfare our priority and taking back our dear state from the years of decadent governance. We must secure our future and that of our children for the general good of the state. The wealth of Lagos must be put into good use to advance the economy of the state. We shall not let the intimidation, victimization and violence stop us from doing what is right for Lagos state. VOTE WISELY #JandorFunke2023 #funkeakindele #pdp #jafuneko23

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